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Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit[电影解说]4.0

类型:电影解说 影视解说 美国 2014 

主演:Jhon Cho Lance Reddick Ming-Na Wen 

导演:Jeffrey Morris 

Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit[电影解说]剧情简介

《Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit[电影解说]》是美国 上映的一部优秀的电影解说 影视解说 类型影视作品,主要演员有:Jhon Cho Lance Reddick Ming-Na Wen 《Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit[电影解说]》剧情简介:

  Chased by commandos, Agent Nick Morgan is on the run in the multiverse! To escape, he jumps between parallel Earths including a polluted industrial hellscape, a planet where dinosaurs evolved into humanoids, and a fungi world with giant mushrooms.


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